PlugNedit allows for rapid styling of objects, the editor does most of the styling for you in a layers based design. HTML editors are typically hard to work with when building layers and design. PlugNedit is designed on a graphic editor style layout with a layers palette which allows you to quickly control the layering of objects.
PlugNedit can be used to create complete pages or just part of a page. If you need something special in your web page like text on a picture or a frame around a picture, you can build it quickly in PlugNedit and then insert into your HTML where you would like it to display.
PlugNedit uses a object base design, this box is one of the objects in the page design. Objects can be sized and placed on top or behind each other. Each object can be quickly styled in the editor, the layers menu controls what items are placed on top of other items.
Head Image
Main Image
PlugNedit allows for transparency to be set on each object making objects to appear see thru. You can set the transparency of a object in the layers palette or by right mouse clicking the object and using the quick menu.
As you work, you can undo any mistakes you make in the options menu by clicking the undo button.
You may have to click the undo several times because the editor records every click.
PlugNedit uses Double Click in the editor, Double clicking a object changes from select text to move.
PlugNedit includes a inline editor for greater formatting of objects. you can load the inlined editor in the text menu.
When your work is complete select the main menu and click finished.
Enjoy PlugNedit
Fast Spirit
Allowing for rapid page creation in a object based design.
Click Item to select and edit contents.

Click & Drag move handle to move items around the page, or click text object to type text directly into the page.
Click & Pull Hinge at bottom right corner of boxes to re-size.
Right Mouse Click for quick menu to adjust layer levels, undo mistakes or set layer transparency.
Double Click  to toggle between moving object and select text.

Click & Drag Area  to select multiple layers at one time.